This week’s Prayer guide

 Columba Presbyterian Church.

2196 east 44th Ave Vancouver
Praying for our neighbours

Dear neighbours, we from the above church are concerned about the lawlessness in our city. Every day we hear about another stabbing or assault, a shooting or motor accident.         Coupled with homelessness, the high cost of living and the lack of homes for all is a major concern. All this is the result of us citizens not loving our neighbours like Jesus says.

For us who know Jesus and how He answers prayers it is only logical that we pray for you, our neighbours raising up these issues to our all knowing God for his consideration. Our prayer team will be praying for you on this block starting today and continuing for the week. Since January 1st coming south one block per week from 42nd avenue we have been praying the B.L.E.S.S formula which has five topics that cover all our needs. It is as follows.


We pray Lord God for the bodies of our neighbours, asking that you protect them from sickness and disease, praying that they be healthy and strong and able to earn enough money to satisfy their needs. If there is sickness in anyone in these homes we ask for healing, knowing if it be your will, you will protect anyone who asks to follow you. For their safety Lord we ask that you put a hedge of protection around them and their properties so that no harm from predators or thieves comes to them.


We pray Lord God that the workers on this block will have full employment in jobs they like and get full and equal pay for their labour. May their places of employment be a joy to work in with no hurtful remarks sarcasm or bullying. We pray for financial freedom and as they become aware of your hand working in their lives they will recognize the blessings of knowing you. We pray the children will enjoy working in school and be confident in their ability to work hard and earn good grades that will guarantee a good future for them.


Father God we pray for the inner peace in the hearts of our neighbours. May there be no fear or distress, depression or anxiety in their hearts and minds. That each one be confident in their dealings and conversations and that they enjoy meeting with their neighbours. We pray they look for ways to support each other and build relationships. In their families where relationships are broken, we pray for peace and reconciliation hoping to mend broken boundaries and build up relationships, and that the children respect their parents and the parents respect social boundaries and the differences in their children.


Dear God we pray for the families in these homes hoping they can meet often to foster good relationships, getting together for garden parties and music parties, sharing food and recipes, and enjoying each others company. We pray they build each other up by ruling out gossip and slander. We pray Lord for the impetus to establish “block watch” neighbourhoods for their own protection and safety.


We pray dear Lord for the spiritual well being of these people. Bless those who know you and help those who haven’t met you to become familiar with your daily love and guidance.        Open their hearts and minds so that your goodness and strength will flow to them. May they be thrilled to know that your friendship is only a prayer away and the power of knowing you, which may be a slow process, is worth it in the end. Fill them with joy and a feeling of satisfaction when they get to know you more.

Thank you, dear God, and father. Amen.


St. Columba Presbyterian Church

2196 east 44th Ave Vancouver

Dear neighbours.

Life as we know it in Vancouver can be quite complicated especially if you are setting up a new home or providing for your growing family. Whether young or old we can be far away from our homeland, family and friends and the places we grew up in.

When we talk about these changes and think about the way it used to be, even thinking back to our childhood and the spiritual things we learned then, the changes are strange and enormous.

In the spirit world there are many instances of strange and scary things happening to people who would like to forget those times, and there is a good spirit where people are surprised by the good things that happen to them.

We at St Columba, the little church at 44th avenue and Gladstone Street, know a lot about that  good spirit and the blessings that He can bring our way. We are talking here about the Holy Spirit, the spirit that Jesus sent to us when he went back to heaven. One of the major challenges in Christendom is trying to understand this holy spirit.

To get your head around this mystical truth is so challenging that most people give up rather than trying to understand it. But when we have that spirit in our hearts the decisions, we have to deal with every day come easier and our life just runs better, like an old computer with an updated operating system.

At St Columba we are a small Christian church, part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, with a group of people from many different countries and are learning more about that Holy Spirit and his presence every day.

If you would like to know Him more to receive the power of protection, the power of healing and the comfort of His presence and blessings, just drop in on Sunday morning at 11:00 to listen to the great teachings of our pastor. As an alternative you can start by watching our worship service on Facebook. (St Columba Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, worship service.

On the other side of this page is a list of things we will be praying  for, hoping to bring some of Gods blessings into your life. We will be doing that as soon as you receive this greeting. We will be whole neighbourhood but concentrating on your block, praying those prayers for five minutes a day and for five days per week.

We are hoping you are open to this offer and will notice the changes in your life. Those changes won’t be earth shattering moments, but subtle little changes that could make your life easier.

If you wish to leave us a note requesting special prayers for yourself or family, just drop it in the mail slot by the church door and our prayer team will work on it for the whole week.

May God richly bless you as we work together for your benefit and His glory.

Sincerely, the St Columba prayer team.

P.S. You can paste this into Google Translate to have it in a more familiar language.


This week’s theme: gratitude
Despite being created in the image of God, we are deeply flawed. Even those of us who have recognized our need for salvation in Christ fall short. Time and again, we rest in this world and listen to the voice of the tempter. But our good, good Father forgives us, over and again. For that alone, we can be truly grateful. We have a great future in the Kingdom once this life is done. Thank you, Lord Jesus. And until that day arrives, we can be grateful for the company of others in the church. We give God thanks for the beauty of creation, for food, shelter and clothing. The list goes on and is seemingly endless.

Take a moment and search for the song “Thank you, Lord” by Don Moen.

I come before You today
And there’s just one thing that I want to say
Thank You Lord thank You Lord
For all You’ve given to me
For all the blessings that I cannot see
Thank You Lord thank You Lord
With a grateful heart with a song of praise
With an outstretched arm I will bless Your name . . .”
A prayer guide for the week to come:

Monday – Holy Father, we are thankful for each commissioner to Assembly. We ask that you be with them as they continue to read the reports. Grant them adequate time to prayerfully consider each recommendation. Guard them from any temptation to see with worldly eyes; grant each of them the desire to seek the mind of Christ.

Tuesday – God of the angelic chorus, we are grateful for those who have musical gifts. May they be grateful for their abilities and may their hearts and minds be tuned to your unwavering spirit. Father, may the heart of worship in every sederunt be directed to You alone and not the longings of our hearts.

Wednesday – Almighty Master, author of truth, we thank you for those men and women who are anointed with the ability to proclaim the Word. As they prepare to bring that word to Assembly, may they do so in humble and grateful submission to You. Grant them prophetic words and the strength to deliver your truth.

Thursday – God of David, we thank you for the one who will be chosen as moderator of Assembly. We are grateful for the gift of leadership at all levels of the church. Father, continue to grant your servant the ability to prepare heart, mind, body and soul for each sederunt. May he moderate in fairness and in truth.

Friday – God of order, we thank you for the clerks of Assembly and all those who work to prepare and train commissioners. We gratefully acknowledge scripturally-inspired polity and we ask that the clerks, moderator and commissioners submit to Godly order.

Saturday – God of progress, we are so grateful for technology to communicate and meet across great distances. We are thankful for those on the help desk and those who are (and will be) working behind the scenes. We pray for technology to aid rather than impede discussion and decisions. Sunday – As we gather in our congregations, we are grateful for the freedom to assemble and worship. May we worship you not only in spirit, in truth and in confession but also with grateful hearts. May we carry this heart of worship from the opening sederunt throughout the Assembly.
This week’s prayer is authored by Rev. Andy Cornel


1) As we offer our prayers of thanks today let us remember those who suffer hurt and oppression because they put their trust in Jesus.

Pray for the safety of those who cannot meet in public to worship, and pray that religious freedom and democracy will be everyone’s birthright.

 2) Believers praying for their neighbours and then being available to them with a servant heart is simply doing the will of God.

Who is your neighbour? Any person who is nearby, a friend in church, a family member, friend, fellow worker, classmate, or other acquaintance, they are your neighbours. In Luke 10, Jesus describes a neighbour as someone you meet on life’s road and now may need your help.

Call out their names when you talk to God.

Today we can pray for the Social well being of our neighbours: calling for God to strengthen their families; that broken relationships be restored; that they will be content with the lifestyle they can afford and there will be no stress from lack of advancement.  Pray that there be a spirit of love in their families and that there be no hurtful remarks, sarcasm, or bullying anywhere in their homes.

Please use these topics as your prayer guide through the week.

Prayer is just a conversation with God, expressing the joys of knowing Him and giving thanks for the many blessings He has bestowed upon you. He is also ready to answer your prayers and give you, in His time, the things you ask for. Remember the words of James in chapter 5 verse 16 “The prayers of the righteous person achieve much”.

Bear in mind the laws of nature and your need will influence and determine the outcome of your prayers.   ….. In other words don’t ask to live to 120. 🙂

I believe there is great power in corporate prayer so if you have a prayer topic that you would like us to pray over please let me know. God Bless.

The prayer Jesus taught us.

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. May your Kingdom come and may your will be done here on earth, as it is in heaven. Please give to us our daily bread and forgive our sins and help us forgive those who sin against us. Save us from times of temptation Lord and deliver us from all things evil. For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.